ryan:oh yeah i forgot!magicarp is just scales and bones!nice going!
samurai:the battles not over yet go caterpie
ryan:go charmander!
samurai:string shot!
charmaner gets all tied up like a mummy!
ryan:charmander burn a hole through!
charmander burns a hole and escapes,as well as another hole to fry
samurai:go metapod!
ryan:go pikachu!
samurai:I have just seen a pokemon master in the making!until ee meet
ryan:gee thanks hey what are you going to be doing?
samurai:perfecting my technique until I meet the next trainer from
ryan:so where do I go from here?
samurai:just keep going north and youll be at pewter city
**********************3 days later****************
ryan:Im all tired out!we finally made it to pewter city!
so ryan and his pokemon make it to pewter city!and their first chance
to battle a gym leader!
amazingly magicarp breaks pinsirs grippers!