You scream in fury as you see that he has devoured Mace Windu, Yoda,
Aurora Sing and Qui Gon Jin... Obi Wan stood rooted to the ground and
let his saber fall to the floor. You summon it with the force. The
light saber jerked towards your direction, slicing through Obi- Wan's
balls. You wield both sabers and attacked the crouch of the alien. He
oozed out lots of sick stuff like vomit and sprayed it over you. You
have no choice but to use the DARK side of the force. You use force
lightning on yourself to vaporize the vomit. Then you swing your light
saber upwards, accidentaly decapicating your own arm. Blood flowed out
like the waterfall, and the bone protruded from your skin. You scream
in pain as you force choke yourself to death...