Although your heart is pounding and bloodied cloth clings to your
sweaty and blistered skin, you try your best to stand. A young girl
skips mairly on a stone path to your right. You decide to ignore her
playfull expression and hobble over to the stone building. It looks as
if someone lives there. Three small windows lit with a soft glow of
candle are framed by thick cottony curtains colored a pale green. The
tall wooden door with a bronze knocker pierces into your mind by a
strange and unfamiliar force.
Suddenly a face appears behind the thin glass. They look about eighty
or ninety years old. Wrinkled skin lines two ice colored eyes and
sagging lips blanket several crooked teeth. Short grey curls bounce
against hunched shoulders. Following the distorted image a bony hand
raises to wave to you. What should you do? What can you