You see the unicorn is trying to something an apple tree. A GOLDEN
apple tree. You offer to help. She says OK. You are shorter than her,
and can't reach the tree, either. You say maybe youcould get on her,
and than get an apple for her. She hesitates. You know unicorns aren't
usually comfortable to have someone ride them. But, after a while, she
says OK. She says that it is her tree, and if you can get her ten
apples, she will give you the tree. You say OK. You climb up and get
ten apples. She thanks you and gives you the tree. She says she has a
ladder (unicors can't use ladders, unless they are really good at it)
and gives you that, too. She thanks you and runs off. You think about
what you could do. You could explore more, follow the unicorn more,
look for Kerri, pick some apples, use the ladder to get on the really
tall tree and look around (the tree isn't yours), or rest. What do you