You point out the snap-dragon to Kerri and she says, "Oh! How
cute!" She starts to lean down close to it, but it snaps at her.
She pulls back. "Oh, the poor thing! it must be hungry. Let's see
here..."Kerri rummages in a small bag she carries while the
snap-dragon leans toward her in an effort to sink its teeth into her.
She leans toward it, holding a small biscuit. "Here you go,"
she says to the dragon, not realizing that you are sneaking up behind
her. Just when the snap-dragon opens its mouth to its widest, you give
Kerri a judicious shove.
With a screech, she topples into the gaping mouth of the plant. It
closes its jaws over her, and you hear muffled screaming from inside.
The plant begins to chew rapturously with a small rivulet of blood
trickling down its chin. It smacks its lips twice, then swallows your
"friend". You watch as the bulge in its stalk slowly slides
down into a stomagh area. Its hunger sated, the snap-dragon looks at
you like a dog at its master.
You yell, "Kerri!!", hoping that she will hear your call.
Pretty soon you hear a rustling to your left, and you see Kerri coming
through a forest of long, wavy, furry plants... Oh. Cattails. Kerri
walks up next to you. "Yes?" she says.