You finally find a good grip and try to slide it to the hole in the
ceiling. It doesn't budge. You stop and think. Why won't it move? Is
it some sort of magic? Or maybe there's a trick to opening it, or a
key... You look at the floor. Eureka! There's straps holding down the
ladder. Then, there are little rivers- dry, of course- leading over,
from the ladder, to under the hole. If you unstrap the ladder, you can
slide it by it's wheels, through the "river", to the hole,
and climb up! You suddenly get exited and start fiddling with the
strap. After a while, you get it off, and quickly push it over to the
hole. You climb up. As soon as you get off the ladder, it speeds back
to it's place, and the straps snap shut again. After a last look down,
you brush yourself off and look around. It is a round room, not too
big, but not too small; you are in the center. As you step out of the
center, the hole shuts. The middle sort of comes up, and the outer
edges are flat. It has doors on the walls; eight, to be exact. They
are actually holes in the wall, and you see electricity swirling in
them. You see a sign reading:
"To enter a door, simply walk into it. The Electro Electrocity
will enter you body, turn it into Electro Electrocity, transport you,
and then turn you back."
--Moodara Mortal Portal Services
Imagine it a square: one on each side, one on each corner. Each door
has a name- the name of the land, or city, or whatever. You carefully
look at each name: MechLand, ZombEviLand, Aggonilistronian City, The
Fountain of Dreams, Clippit Land, The Moodara Food Service Area, and
Moodara Super Technology City. You rub your chin and think of which
one to go into. Which one?
You go over to the ladder and examine it, so you can tell where to
hold it when you move it.