After a while, he turns to face you.
"You are stunningly strong. I will keep my promise, and give you
my treasure. I never said I would give you ALL my treasure! You may
only have one chest full of treasure. There are ten chests you can
pick from. You say which one, and I will instantly give it to you.
Which one would you like?"
Which chest?
MOVE 4: it is your move. You run up to him and try to stab him, again.
He slides off to the left, so you are obviously off the mark. You end
up catching his rib. You tear off flesh, and a rib hangs out. The
dragon screams and, with his last breath, drags himself over to a
little crevice in the stone wall. He takes out a healing salve and
drinks it, giving him more energy (it can't heal large wounds like the
dragon has). He thn puts that back up, and takes out a Magic Wound
Patch. He put that over his wounds. They instantly disapear, blending
into his skin and healing him. He stands up.