You try to run on your own two legs but find you have four and it's
pretty hard. So you run to where your clothes were laid and find that
there are two pairs of shoes there. You try as hard as you might to
get them on, but you faint. And wake up. With all four shoes on.
Dressed. And on a treadmill. You run off the treadmill, slam into a
wall, get very dazed, get up (very slowly) and make a run for the
door. You get out but aren't able to get out the outside gates
surrounding the hospital. That's when you notice the sign.
"HILDA'S MENTAL HOSPITAL for the mentally ill" it reads.
You think to yourself, "I am so NOT mentally ill," and start
to run out the gates. You get as far as the giant metal shed that
holds the big vat of lime green jell-o. You think back to the movie
"The Blob" and aren't sure if you want to jump into this
giant green vat. You realize you can't find a key to open the lock
that's surrounding the metal shed. So you start pounding against it
with your feet and your head and your horns, and that's when you
realize you have horns.