You whip out your lighsabre and cut through the walls of the corridors
to find yourself in a guard room. Not good, you think as the guards
close in around you. You shield your face, prepared for a blow when...
"That's a cool toy you've got there!" Compliments one of the
guards, referring to your lightsabre.
"I haven't seen you two around here before, so you must be new
recruits. It's the fashion around here to welcome newbies with a game
of Poker and a drink. Waddya say?" You look at Obi-Wan who just
shrugs. You turn back to the guard.
"Yeah, okay, why not?" You pick up a pack of cards and begin
to shuffle at a lightnin' fast rate.
"So, what are we playing for?" You ask, having fun showing
off with the cards. The guards now look extremely worried.
"Um, I've just remembered that I have to be somewhere." One
of the guards said, acompanied by a muttered agreement from the rest
of the group. After a second they all turned on their heels and fled.
You put down the cards, disappointed.
"That's right! Run ya wussies! I'll get you later!!" You
call after them, shaking your fist.
"And that's not a threat it's a promise!!" Then you sit down
and sulk.