Many boxes, all dusty and covered with soot and dirt. You run to the
boxes and start going through them. No baseballs cards, only dumb,
boring poo-kemon cards. You catch a glimpse of a mewtwo, when
something shines in the corner of your eye: the holographic, rare as
ever, card that you need! You think, This is a miricle! but you still
need to find all the other baseball cards for all the other kids! You
see under the staircase that creaked like hell, a few boxes! You see
the symbol on the side: Sweeny BaseBall Majors: The base ball cards!
You try to get the lid open, but it's sticky tape shut! After you
finally get it open,You realise that you may haved saved these cards
from the dump. Just as you try to get the boxes out through the back
door, the door to go to the shop swings open, and the stairs creak and
squeal. Who is it? Why are they down here? Are they looking for