But as you round the corner of Coronation Street you here a faint
sound of approaching vehicles. Louder and louder until you see the
dancing of headlights at the bottom of the street. Suddenly you
realize that it's your old arch Nemesis John Woo and his biker gang!
You turn and try to run but the cobblestones underfoot are slippy from
the fog and the hundreds of 9mm shells smacking all around you
distract a little... You forward roll to behind a dustbin and come up
in a crouch facing your adversaries powering towards you....
You pull the pin from the grenade with your teeth(Ouch! there goes my
Cap) and hurl it towards the front wave of bikes.
BABOOOOOOOM!!! An explosoin rips through the front rank sending the
riders and their bikes in seperate directions, one going head first
through the Rovers Return Lounge window, another a fireball as the
bike and himself explode sending limbs and shrapnel everywhere. One
bike rolls forward riderless and falls to the ground engine ticking
just yards away from you.
Dakka Dakka dakka barks your Uzi as you spray the street, "Get
some!!! Here my 9mm friend wants a word with your head! Vikings
HOOOO!". Under covering fire you duck, weave and roll to the
bike. You rev the engine and wheel spin off as your last clip is
emptied into the Goons, a few wild rounds hitting cars parked igniting
petrol tanks in spectacular explosions.
You race through the small streets of Manchester desparately trying to
lose the Woo Gang, you come to a crossroads.
"China Town - Very nice this time of night"
"Manchester Airport - We get you there."
"Very strange looking misty alley way that in no way is magical
and won't take you somewhere strange, Honest..."
A bullet hole hits your petrol tank, fuel pours out, only a few more
minutes till you're on foot.
Low on Gas, 6 Bullets left what do you do?
Deciding that the best course of action while in the UK was,
"When in rome....", you head to the nearest local for a
bevvy of fime warm Bitter.