"Why do you cry, human?"
"I- I'm not... I'm laughahahahahahahahahah!!!!" you burst
into laughter again. This is the most you've laughed in a long time!
It's not even all that funny.
"What is your name, human?" he- or she- for that matter-
says in a high-pitched, cute, kind of squeeky voice.
You tell him.
"What's yours?"
"Well... Actually, I don't know. I think I was abandoned as an
egg, and left in a stream of lava so I would actually hatch... I don't
have any freinds, or anything..."
"Do you know how to get out of here?"
"Well, yeah, I guess..."
"Yes, of course!"
"OK. Do you want to come with me?"
"Sure! Where?"
"Well, just around, I guess."
"How did you get here?"
You tell him.
"The little box you pressed the button on... That was a Portal
Box. Specifically, the Black Portal of the 13 Souls. Any mortal that
touches it without the Magic Gloves are condemned to go to Blaqqavoyd.
Touching it realeses the 13 Souls of Doom. They haunted all of Moodara
for hundreds of years, until finally, a wizard named Getafix captured
them in the Portal Box. Before they went in, they made a curse- all
who opened it, pressed the button- were transported here. A portal
opened in your realm, and all who get near are sucked in. The Souls
are also taken back into this realm. The only way to close the portal
is to capture the souls- almost kill them, then push the button, and
then get the Black Portal Box Lever. You connect that to the portal
box, push it, and the portal is closed. The souls are also sealed
inside, and the box sent back to it's origianal place. If you do this
within six months of the opening, you are not sent to Blaqqavoyd. If
not, you ARE sent to Blaqqavoyd, and the souls continue to haunt.
About the Forest of the Oopaloosa's... The cow you met- Jenny- heard
you came, and also HOW. Her friend, a human witch- a good one,
fotunately- has been captured. We do not know by who. It is especially
important because she protects anyone from entering a door in Mirror
Land. This door leads to the headquarters of the Non-Magic Human
Hero-assignement Company. This gives special weapons off to heroes,
and good ones who need it. If sent into the wrong hands, it could
cause theives and, even worse, souls, these weapons. This would cause
The pen that Jenny gave you? It's a Hero-Pen. It has powers that you
can't even imagine. YOU are a hero. You must close the portal, capture
the Souls, and free Jenny's freind!!"
"Wow... Will you come and help me? You're the only one I know
here! In Moodara!"
"Well, I don't know... I guess I don't know anyone, either- not
as a freind, anyway. I DO know my way around... It would help me
train... After a while I could fly you around..."
"So you'll come?"
"OK... Now, you need a name... How about... Biggy? No, no... That
doesn't sound right... Spitfire? No, that's a plane... I know! How
about Tiny?"
"Tiny? OK!" he says,"Do want to see where I usually
sleep, if I'm not away?"
He leads you through a big maze- doors, stairs, mazes, going up, going
down, through secret doors, the works. If you weren't with him, in one
percent of all the mazes, you would be lost. Finally, after maybe 20
minutes, and a lot more of mazes, doors, and traps, you find yourself
somewhere else- you can actually tell when you'lkl bump into a wall.
Don't get me wrong, it's still a big mirror, but the walls are
different. It's at the end of a big hall. He has a little basket, with
LOTS of blankets and pillows to sleep in. The basket is a few feet
tall; if he hid inside, he could see but not be seen. He had a trick
floor in the basket,m leading to the floor below, as an easy escape.
He was also surrounded with tresure- chests, jewels, crowns, scepters,
"Looks like you like treasure!"
"Yes... I usually hunt for it all day. What do you want to do
now? Explore? Find more tresure? Sleep here now?
The dragon comes out and... You start to laugh! The dragon is tiny!
You realise your mistake: mirrors bulging OUT!!!! You laugh so hard
you fall over and tears stream down your face. Then you stop andget
up, your face red.