"This monstrous creature is a Rossessopnomed. They ussually live
off human human flesh, of which species they greatly hate. Their
master, Replehslivedeht, leads them in their quest to destroy the
human race. They are know for it's green blood, long names, four arms,
tall height, and special eyes, which can shoot off high-powered,
powerful, deadly lasers.
*Wax figure made by Moodara Almost-Real Wax Figures. Copyright (�)
38945 AD, Moodara Copyright Dudes.*"
So that's it! You're in a wax museum! You give a sigh of relief and
stroll through hundreds of rows of hundreds of creatures and people.
You hear footsteps at the corner...
"Hey! Don't ya know it's after closin' hours?!?!? Come 'ere, ya!
Ya hafta go now!"
You see a pike rounding the corner- it's in front of the guy. He could
skewer you with that thing! What do you do?
You open the door and walk in. You find yourself in front of a tall,
four armed, brown- skinned, red eyed, green blooded monster... You
don't even breath. Then you notice something. It's in a glass case!
You give a sigh of relief and carefully get up. There's a little piece
of paper in front of it: