"Hello, Beastie!" You say in a friendly tone.
The little yellow beastie, who resembles a
tiny dragon, burbles happily. "Kreee!!!" It
exclaims happily, bouncing into your lap and
staring at you with adoring purple eyes. You stroke the tiny amber
spines that line it's back
and it chirrs in contentment. Suddenly it sits
up and looks you square in the face. As your
eyes meet its, you feel a sudden jolt and
the world starts to spin. And suddenly you see
things not through 1 pair of eyes but two.
You find yourself looking at yourself, and realize
you are seeing yourself through the eyes of the
beastie! The dual vision suddenly vanishes and
you are left only looking at yourself. The image
of yourself grins at you. "Finally!" You seem to
say. "I am free of that body and human again.
Although this is not the choice body I would prefer, it will serve.
Thank you!" And your body
walks off, leaving you trapped in the body of the
beastie. "Hrrrishhiiee!" You curse, your violet
eyes red rimmed with anger.