As you kill more of the ugly creatures, the others get scared and
waddle away. Looking on the ground you see the dead little creatures
lying around. Although you feel guilty you know that the creatures
are your enemies and if you don’t get out of this strange looking
world they will kill you. So you decide to take a drink of the
fountain. As your lips touch the water you realize it is boiling hot.
You jerk your head back as though someone were going to hit you. You
take a good look at the water. Touching it with your hand it doesn’t
feel hot. You bend down to take another drink. As you slurp it in
your mouth it burns your tongue. You try to swallow but something is
blocking it from going down. The heat gets to be to much and you spit
it out. As you are spitting it out the water freezes to your mouth
and extends to your waist. You try to pull it off, but the pain is to
much for you to bear.