You realize that it is a pond, and jog to it. As fast as you had seen
it you keel down to get a drink from the clear blue. It leaves a soft
feel in your mouth and throat. you suddenly loose consiousness.
(while in a dazed state an elf quickly gathers you apon a sled and
whisk you to a near by village whearas the tallest person is no bigger
than a foot. you suddenly wake up and you can feel that somthing is
asstondingly wrong. you yell but your voice is chocked by a warm
feeling in our throat. slowly the elf village gathers at your side.
they offer food it smells like berry muffins roasted meat of somekind?
you greedily snatch the food and gobble it down with out dropping a
bite. the elfs speak but it is very unformilar to you so you make
guestures utter words like who? where? how?