You are now enlisted in the Kabokian army and you are in full uniform.
The Kabokian army are really women that are changed into an alien
lifeform by a special sergery which you have just undergone. You have
been impowered with an egg and this will enable you to have alien
powers. Each Kabokian soldier must undergo a ceremony where they are
married to a male alien, a Kachokian. The Kachokian is in complete
charge of his wife. They live togehther. The Kabokian lives and works
in the house and the Kachokian works outside of it. The Kabokian Army
isn't an army, just a matchmaking service. The Kabokian must serve her
I will be your husband. He turned himself into a weird alien and the
next day you a married. The marrige is when you are bound by an
invisible chain to your husband. This is how you must serve me says