You've already searched throughout the rooms on that floor, but there
is no sign of any life other than mice,rats and insects so you give up
and head down the ancient stairway. As you near the bottom... you come
face to face with.... a ghost! You scream and run out the door. The
ghost runs after you and it seemed like it was trying to tell you
something. But you just kept on running untill you reached the ball
park. You shouted at the top of your lungs that there was a ghost
coming after you. At first they believed you but then they were
looking behind you and started pointing and laughing. You turn around
and see Barbara holding a long White sheet and a mischevious grin on
her face.
You turn to face the eerie darkness. You try not to make a sound as
you tip-toe towards the rotting stairs. You climb up the creaky
stairs, step by step.