"Who doth thou seek?" the dragon roars in a deep dark voice.
"No one," you answer, scared out of your whits.
"Then why doth thou cometh?"
"Please," you answer still scared. "I come because I am
wounded, and need shelter. I do not remember anything before I found
myself bloody and wounded. I have but a crystal I shall give you in
turn for shelter and food."
You show him the crystal. He gasps.
"Be it not the crystal of Galiham! Does thou have any reason for
producing this cystal?"
"All I remember is that my father gave it to me when he passed
away. I was only 2 then. Now I be 17 and growing."
"My boy, you are the son of Galiham! You are a god! My savior,
thou aret intiteled to anything thy needs!"
You stare, to frightened to move. The eyes begin to rise up. The
ground rumbles and shakes as you stand there. It's moving toward you.
As it comes into the light, you can make out its figure. A monsterous
dragon appears.