You track down where Barbara is. When you finally find her it's too
late. On the floor you find one of Barbara's shoes. You have to save
her you can
t bear to leave you best friend here to die so you and Dave go search
the house together not leaving each other"s sight knowing that if
you ever did you would disa[ppear like Barbara. You go into the old
dusty kitchen looking for clues. You knock on the wall hoping to find
a secret stairway leading to a secret chamber might being where the
strange shadow had taken Barbara. To your luck you find a hidden
door. You push it open and all of a sudden bat fly all around you.
As the last bat flies away you gather up all you guts and peek in the
doorway. To your suprise you were right, there is a secret
stairway.You and Dave walk up the stairway. Once you are in and were
on your way up the secret door behind you that you have enter from
suddenly slams shut. You have no way out but to go up the stairs.
It's very dark and hard to see the way. Up above you hear footsteps
coming down. Then moments later you see in front of you, staring
directly into you eyes, a pair of red glowing