"You are Atreia Greenstone--- Trei for short--- Let's see, we
live in Truevale, and I'm your best friend, Matthew Chestnut, also
called Matt. You have a sister, Aneia, and two brothers, Nathain, and
Braylor. Uh.... Your fifteen years old... Your birthday is September
1st, let's see... your mother is Lady Terina and your father is Lord
Gainor. I can't forget Ash either, he's another of our friends. Ashton
Jewl. Not J-E-W-E-L, J-E-W-L. We call him Ash, somtimes Ash Jewl, but
he hates being called Ashton. He's got dark brown hair like yours,
only he has green eyes, and I guess you can't see me. I have blondish
brown hair, brown eyes... and... and..." Matt trailed off,
drifting to sleep. You rest happily, knowing a little bit of who you