Fello stops and turns around and whispers, "These were once
humans changed by that god-afwul Henta."
"Henta?" you question with with a roar and a raucous erupts
behind you.
He snaps your jaw shut "Yes," he whispers",
"Henta, the dragon you met in the ally"
Now your enemy has a face and a name.
He wheels you into a corner next to a griffen, who looks as young and
fisty as you do.
"Let me out," you raor, "I will kill him!!" but
Fello keeps walking, as if he no longer understands you.
"Kill who? Henta?" a voise says in your head.
"Who, who said that?" you roar.
"Look to your right"
You stare at the griffen, he shakes his head knowingly.
"Do not say another word, we have teleapathy"
"We do?" You think
"Yes, we do"
As he wheels you though the shop, various monster screem and raor and
srill and trumet as you go by, you don't understand any of them.