You soon arrive at the office and you present all the evidence that
you have gathered so far: A police report, a tear of red cloth and an
earring which was found at the crime scene. Pleased with your
findings, the mayor takes the evidence and stores it in a safe place.
“Your next job is to interview the suspects and find out what they
were doing when the crime took place,” the mayor ordered, “We may
piece together something based on what they say.”
“Good idea Mam, but which suspect should I ask first?” you
You wake up from the juiciest dream sex you have ever dreamt off and
you get dressed up for the second day of the investigation. From what
you recall from the previous day, your investigation was cut short
after someone had planned to kill you in the elevator. You finish
eating your breakfast and you head out to the Mayor’s office to report
on your findings.