You call Obi-Wan.
-Obi-Wan! Boba Fett is in the shop! He's trying to kill me!
-Wait! Run to the ship, and I'll manage.
You run as fast as possible. Boba Fett's jokes aren't jokes at all. If
he puts a bomb in your ship, you will surely ran away. After some
seconds you'll realise that the bomb is in the safety capsule. Your
head will "blow off", and when the bomb doesn't blow up, you
find that was a small cube with a speaker in it without any bomb
containing. You'll get more angry than ever and swear under your
breath until you are tired. Than you start crying because you couldn't
even do anything, and your ship is safe under Boba's hand! Plus the
lucky bounty hunter will be laughing forever and forever.