mew, mewtwo, meowth, persian, lugia, ho-oh, articuno, zapdos, moltres,
suicune, raikou, entei, unown, ekans, arbok, lickitung, koffing,
weezing, bellsprout, weepinbell, victreebell, slowpoke, slowbro,
slowking, pichu, pikachu, raichu, ponyta, rapidash, charmander,
charmelieon, charizard, bulbasaur, ivysaur, venusaur, squirtle,
wartortle, blastiose, treecko, mudkip, marshtomp, swapert, torchic,
combusken, seviper, cacnea, wynaut, wobbuffet, ghastly, gengar,
voltorb, electrode, digglett, dugtrio, doudio, doltrio, chikorita,
bayleef, meganium...
(deeeeeeeeeeeeeep breath)
...onix, steelix, magikarp, gyrados, latios, latias, eevee, flareon,
vaporeon, jolteon, umbreon, espeon, totodile, cyndaquil, phanpy,
electabuzz, larvitar, pupitar, tyranitar...
(thinking, thinking!)
...jynx, murkrow, staryu, starmie, areodactyl, rhydon, vulpix,
ninetales, sharpedo, lotad, sableye, corphish, crawdaunt, wingull,
pelipper, sentret, togepi...
and I'm pretty sure that's it...
No, wait! I'm getting some more...
..omanyte, omastar...
okay, that is really and truly it.
Even though I'm five years late...