As you think this, you find you can't stop. you are being driven on by
the blood lust. You use every ounce of your strength, and you do stop.
But then, you start another lunge, and it takes all of your strength
to stop this one too. This keeps going on, each lunge getting closer
and closer. on the final lunge, you feel something slipping away, and
you truely become a monster. Then, when you strike, the gem on your
wrist explodes in a burst of white hot agony. you feel it slipping
from you skin, and then relize your skin is slipping from it. You have
become the gem (which isn't a gem anymore)! your goodness has been
saved. but then you realize, the monster is not gone. then monster
tries to lift the sword, but finds he is too week. with his last ounce
of magic, he sends you back to the mortal world.
The one thing the demon forgot to do, though, was remove your magic
powers. also, the demon forgot no thin his beam, and he accidentally
targeted the angel also, and turned her into a