You grab both of the die and something happens. You get taken to the
night and the desert. You are in a dark desert all by yourself. You
are really thirsty but you can't find anything to drink. Suddenly you
remember that cacti store water. You go tward the cactus and break it
of carefully. You start sucking on it but you get a really bad taste
in your mouth and spit it out. You start to think that you are going
to die of thirst and hunger.
Suddenly you see a big light and run to it! You flash back to
your house and run to them kitchen and see you mom just getting done
making cookies. You ask her to pour you a big glass of milk to go
with you cookies. She said yes. She gave you a big plate of cookies
and a big glass of milk. You decide that you are not going to die of
hunger or thirst. You are happy again.