What do you mean?
Well have you ever heard that saying "Brains over broad?"
You think of Mrs. Smar Te Pants your fourth grade teacher beacause
that is what she always said in that high pitched voice of her. Than
you remember that on all your reportcards since 1rst grade were A's
and that you had already skipped 2 grades and they were talking about
skipping you into college.
You feel dumbfounded and yell I'm just a kid!!!!!
You remember Boud the biggest, strongest, and the loudest kid in the
world ( but you suddenly decide you don't really Know that fore
sure.) But still he is pretty strong so you ask why didn't you pick
Boud instead!
The prince looks at you sternly and says we need you not Boud we are
faced by a challenge that requires something more than strength of the