At this moment the ship was over Coruscant heading to Tatooine. But
that wasn't their destination. These creatures were once a peaceful
people. They became harsh and violent because their planet became a
war-torn battlegruond and they were killing people because they
thought everyone who wasn't of their race was against them. In a way
they were racist.
"why are you doing this?!"muttered Reinard.
"Raaaaaaaaark, rakalawya!!!!!" yelled the creature as
it kicked Reinard.
Reinard got tied to a fuel chamber capsule in the pilots quarters. If
anything went wrong with te ship the fuel chamber capsule would be
affected first. The creatures were capable enough to run the ship.
People were being tortured in the engine room. There were explosions
aroung the ship because the space around them was a battlegroung for
the clonetroopers against the stormtroopers.