Suddenly, without any warning of any kind, Jevelin leaps at you with
dazzling speed and agility. You and Qui-Gon have just enough time to
throw yourselves onto the floor to escape the very quick attack.
Where a normal man would have certainly lost his balance and crashed
into the window you and Qui-Gon were standing in front of, Jevelin
comes to a stop, quickly turns, and dashes at you again. You roll to
the right as Jevelin's lightsaber blade rips apart the area of floor
in which you were just lying in.
You are amazed at how well Jevelin can control everything, his speed,
his lightsaber. You now think how foolish you were to actually think
you could beat him. What now?
As Jevelin gets closer, you and Qui-Gon ready your own lightsabers.
Just as he gets to close for comfort, Jevelin stops advancing. He
looks at you in a stern way, and you begin to feel nervous. I mean
REAL nervous.