planets and stars zoom by as you run out of air. you nearly burn up as
you zoom into earth's atmosphere. (riding a unicorn though space was a
bad idea) finally you land gently on the ground. you are gasping and
nearly pass out, but you figure you've passed out way too much already
and if you pass out again someone might realize you're a wuss, so you
just get off the unicorn and try to catch your breath. you don't know
where you are. you know you are somewhere in could see that
was where you were headed and tried to direct the unicorn to the
states, but you were out of air and frankly more concerned with your
life. once you've caught your breath you explain this to the unicorn.
you get back on her back and the two of you head east. the unicorn,
you have to understand, goes super super fast, and provides you with
lots and lots of protection against heat etc etc, but because she goes
SOOO fast, these things only work so well. anyway, you end up
somewhere in new jersey. you hate new jersey, but you figure its as
good a place as any to get mcDonalds. you poin the mcdonalds out to
mysta and head for the Taco Bell whose food is of a slightly higher
quality and tastes infinitely better. when you come out, mysta is
still standing nervously outside.