Suddenly you realize you are moving. gone somewhere. Let me explain
eveyrting,she tells you."You don't exist. You just appeared. I am
Magic itself. You should know that. My real name is Citrus.You don't
have a name.We will soon be landing on planet Oralea. You must
concentrate on your powers or else you will lose control and perish.
Now, first of all there are no othetrs who don't exist. You are the
only one.Ther will never be another. You can do almost everything. You
only thought about the vampire fangs,so they appeared.. You don't know
your own power so they dissapeared. Terz is very important. you will
never meet him, no one can, anymore.And, you will someday meet the
great daughters and sons of Dimitrus Demetreus, she is half good and
half bad. You will be named Rachel. You were the 25th daughter,
Demetrius wanted you to not be here, so now you don't exsist. kelcie
is also one of the people who hellped them get away, then she got left
behind with the 25th one, you.12 boys 13 girls,I don't know how many
looked the same,but I have to give you a new life as Rachel. At some
point you must meet kelcie, she will makeup a feww things since she
doesn't remember,she was the 3rd one,some think she wasd 2nd, she was
#3. You are #25.There are no more then 25. You are the special one
the one that has to defeat the evil Demetrius, you will save
Dimitrius, she will die but become free. kelcie thinks she was #25,
having to defeat them, no not at all. She dosen't have a job in this
silent war. She is not a yearke that she used to be taken over with,
she would be evil, and no she can't be or she'd be or she would have
the yeake family. You will remember this,but you mustn't tell her, or
she will think you are lying. She mustn't ever be told and if she does
find out she must be older then 9. See you are not going way in
dimension Q way in Earth yet. There won't be any inteligent forms like
you there. Not even kelcie. I don't think all of the 25 nonkelics will
be there. nonkelics are the 25 beings of Dimitrius.
I will tell you the rest later."