A door on the bridge flys open and a figure in the lift emerges, Jedi
Master ForceMorph. He wears a long, black robe (Because the brown ones
really stink!) and a double-bladed lightsaber at his side. Qui-Gon and
Obi Wan bow down to the almighty one.
"Rise, my fellow Jedi" Force tells them.
"Yes, my master" Obi Wan says in reply
"Sir, we're close to uncovering the secrets to the
universe!" Qui-Gon says.
" I already know the secrets of the universe you idiot!"
Force yells and hits Qui-Gon over the head.
"yes, yes, of course!" Qui-Gon says.
ForceMorph presses a button next to him and Qui-Gon dissapears and a
figure appears outside in space.
"I never liked him" Obi Wan says.