Jessie: Prepare for trouble!
James: And make it double!
Meouwth: Would you two cut that out! We only got thirty seconds!
(music stops)
Jessie: Oh, well excuse us!
Meouwth: Go ahead, Arbok.
Arbok: (repeats question in Arbokese)
Jessie: I think it's Evee.
James: No, its definitely Spearow. I can name them all off for you.
Jessie: Let's hear it.
James: Well, there's Spearow, and then Fearow, and then--um, uh, well
I know another one comes after that, but I don't remember what it is!
Jessie: Just say Evee, honey, OK? Good luck!
Brock: So, your answer is--
Arbok: Charbok!
Brock: Meouwth, do you accept?
Meouwth: Yeah.
Brock: OK, is Evee the right answer? (Ding Ding) Yes it is! Team
Rocket gets fifty points, and we're going to take a break. Don't go
(phone rings, then we hear some familiar music)