"No way," Barbara screeches. "I'm not a chicken are you?"
"Yes," you think to yourself, "I am..". But instead you say proudly, "I'm not afraid of your ugly face am I? I just want to check out another part of the house."
With a nasty look on her face Barbara follows you and Dave out the door, secretly determined to get you back for that.
Back in the hallway outside the room you see the long spiral staircase that you came up to your right. The hallway itself is a big long balcony that overhangs the floors below. You move closer to the edge of the balcony in front of you and peer over the side. Though you are only on the third floor, as you look down to the two floors below all you can see is blackness. You quickly moove away from the edge. To the left of you the hallwayappears to go on forever. Up ahead you can see that it dissapears around a corner. There are doors as far as the eye can see. Your friends are in a daze wondering where to go next.
"Well, we can't just stand here," you say finally. "Where should we go next?"
"I say we go this way," Barbara blurts out as she starts to walk down the hall to the left. "I am the leader, you can't catch me!"
She breaks into a run, as Dave and I stand and stare at her, not quite sure what she was doing.
"Barbara, stay with us! We should stick together! Come on get back here," you shout in disgust.
"Come on Barbara," Dave screams.
At the sound of Dave's voice she stops and turns around to face the two of you. She is almost at the point where the hall turns the corner. She opens her mouth as if to say something, but she screams in stead.
"Barbara what the heck is wrong with you," you scream in confusion.
She seems to be staring past you. You get a very strange feeling that you and Dave are no longer alone. You slowly turn around, not wanting to see what you already know is there. Dave gets the same feeling and follows your example. As you look over your shoulder you feel icy cold fingers touching your back. Suddenly you turn around to see a figure of a woman dressed in white. Normally this wouldn't scare you except for the fact that you just stuck your hand right through her. Suddenly, she lets out a loud wailing cry as if she was in pain.
"I beg your pardon," you say politely. "I didn't mean to...to..AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!"
Your whip back around and start running toward Barbara as fast as your can. Dave is right beside you, in fact he is a little bit ahead of you as you run. Barbara is frozen with fear still staring at the ghost. The suddenly Barbara screams even louder then she is silent. Horrified, you see her trying to grab on to something. Just seconds before you can reach her she falls through what appears to be a trap door in the floor. you look into it but all you can see is blackness. The wailing behind you from the ghost gets louder as she is quickly closing in on you. You look around the corner of the hall and see one door at the very end of it only a short distance away. The way you look at it you only have one of two choices, you can jump down the trap door after Barbara and hope that you don't get flattened, or you and Dave could make a break for the door. Of corse you could always face the ghost...she may not kill you right away. Whatever you do you better do it fast!