A sudden bump tells the Jedi that the ship has landed. The boarding
platform opens with a creak, and Qui-Gon abruptly gets up and walks
out of the ship.
"Wait for me, Master!" calls Obi-Wan as he hurries down the
ramp. Without looking around him, he runs over to join his pensive
master. Obi-Wan decides to assess his surroundings, and gasps at what
he sees.
The scene around him is one of poverty. Thin, emaciated people walk
down the dusty streets barefoot. A little boy grabs some coins from a
man's pocket, and then takes off down a dark alley. The Force tells
Obi-Wan that the surrounding feeling of the place is desperation.
"I see you are surprised at your surroundings, my young
Padawan." Qui-Gon's voice cuts in on Obi-Wan's thoughts. Obi-Wan
nods slowly. "Eloth is controlled by a dictator named Ugron, and
his heartless lover, Sabina. Ugron takes away most of the wealth of
the planet, leaving little food, money, and housing for the common
people. But our mission is not to interfere with Eloth's political
issues. We are here just to stock up," continues Qui-Gon. A
sudden noise makes the two Jedi turn around
In a few minutes the Calstair was descending towards Eloth. As the
ship lands, Obi-Wan thinks about this mission. He and Qui-Gon had
been sent to supervise a Podracing tournament which had major betting
on it, and therefore much violence might take place. This is
Obi-Wan's first mission, and he hoped he would do well.