Pikachu: (points) Chu!
Brock: Your'e right! It was me, and look at what it got me! I
finally have a beautiful girlfriend, and what's more I got my own game
show! No more dirty roads, no more fatigue, and best of all, no
nagging Misty! I'd do it again! You hear me? I'D DO IT AGAIN!!
(silence) Oh, I'm sorry, lost my head, didn't I? Well, the important
(Pikachu and the other cheer, jump up and down, do a big group hug,
and any other thing you could think of to celebrate winning a
pokemon's version of a million dollars.)
Brock: That's right! You get a countless number of pokeballs,
potions, treats, and you each get little pokemon convertables, among
other things! I'm sure Ash is proud of you all! (pulls Pikachu
aside) By the way, Pikachu, give my regards to Ash. I kinda miss
Pikachu: (nodding) Pikachu.
Brock: (to Meouwth) And say hi to Jessie and James for me. I like
the little bit of adventure they put in my second journey, and I miss
that, too.
Pikachu: Pika-Pikachu?
Brock: Come back? (chuckles) No. (Turns back to camera) Hey,
pokemon everywhere, do you want to be pokenaires? Well, here's how
you get on the show.
Brock: Pikachu?