She agreed with you, but as you and your friends were trying to get
out, she jumped out of nowhere and bit your leg. You ran out with your
friends, and the woman screamed, "If you ever want to ever become
normal again, you'll have to return."
Then you realize that you don't feel so good, so you decide to go
home, and your friends follow you to your room, when you get into the
bathroom you notice that the bite isn't there anymore!
You run out of the door and into the bedroom, but all your friends do
is scream and run out of the room. Then you look in the mirror and
you notice that you have another head growing on the side of your
face. You scream, and finally pass out from the lack of
You decide that if you talk rationally about the situation that
anything can happen, so you turned to the woman and said, " Look,
I'm sorry, we'll leave your house, and we won't mention to anyone
about what we saw."