" And nooowww let's meet our famous guest Aaaash Ketchum"
the anouncer says.
" Oh brother!" you groan.
" Now Ash, tell us of the hardships that you faced during your
long and perilous journey" the anouncer continues.
" Well," Ash's dorky face comes on the screen," None of
my hardships were as hard as my rival Gary."
" you little..." you growl at the screen. Hasn't Ash
already done enough to ruin your life?.
" Good thing, he completely failed because he could never beat
ME!!" Ash drawls on and on about how you called him names and how
you were mean to him. That little baby!
You throw an empty pokeball at the T. V. screen in your anger.
" Don't ever call me a failure" you yell at the screen.
" Dude, you are a failure," one of the guys in another couch
says to you. " and a loser too!'
" You just shut up!" you yell at him as you storm out of
that room.
You run to your room.
" So what if I started this whole mess when we were 5?" you
think. "That was 13 years ago!" you flop on your cot. "
And I lost my cool when he beat me that's all!. He didn't have to keep
beating up on me after that for 8 years!!"
" And I'm not a failure" you keep thinking " I was
gonna restart my pokemon journey! I just got a little
Just then one of your pokeballs rolls out from under the
You enter the dorms and colapse into a couch facing the T. V. Some of
the other guys from your dig are there too. Theres pokemon news on the