When you and your canine accomplice broke out of the forest,you saw an
amazing sandy shore accompanied by a sparkling emrald sea.You didn't
have time to take in it's beauty.
"Now what do we do?" you nervously asked the small terrier
as you ran to the shore."We Wing it."he replied.
Uh oh.Even Mr.Lanis didn't know what to do.Or so it seemed.
A giant pair of conjoined dove wings could be seen flying over the
setting horizon at an amazing speed.You asked Mr.Lanis if you were
insane or if you were really seeing what you thought you were
seeing.Thankfully,he confirmed that you were completly sane and that
what you were seeing were "wingits".
"Wingits?"You ask.
"Wingits."he replied.
No sooner had he replied the "wingits" were hovering a foot
above ground next to us.
Mr.Lanis hopped on the right wing as if he did this everyday.
"Well come on."he urged you"The Wilnin will be waiting
for us."
You reluctently stepped on the strange living
"RUN!"yelled the dog.You didn't need to be told twice.