You walk inside.You see nothing but darkness. All off a sudden a light
flashes in your face.
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" you scream.
Barbara says, "Whats your problem? Its just a flashlight."
"Oh," you say, embaressed, "I thought.....I.....I
thought it.....was um.....something else."
Barbara says, "Well, hush up! The ghosts that haunt this house
will hear you."
Barbara shines the flashlight around. You are in a giant room, with
shelves and shelves of books and a staircase leading to the upper
floors. "This must be the library."
"Who ever lives here must love to read." YOu say astonished
at the many books.
Dave walks up to a shelf and pulls a book off. He turns to the middle
of the book. "This is strange," he says.
You run over to Dave.
You say, "Okay. Lets go in."