Barbara agrees and the three of you huddle
by the door to discuss your options.
"I want to go upstairs," says Barbara.
"You know perhaps we shouldn't do that,"
warns Dave, "Who knows if the floor boards
up there can hold our weight. I think we'll
have adventure enough on this floor."
Pondering your choices you notice that
there are foot prints in the dust on
the floor that lead to a door on the left.
The foot prints are barely visable in the
dim lighting that is coming through cracks in
the boarded up windows.
"Um, guys?" you say, "You might want to look at
this. I think someone else is in here."
This doesn't look like the sort of place
you just want to wanter about freely, so
you whisper to Barbara, "Hey, wait! don't
you think we should come up with some kind of
plan first?"