You reach the room at the end of the tunnel and are amazed to see a
bright light shining up from the center of a table.
"What is that?" you ask, shading your eys with your hand.
"This is the Stone of Mahkesh. I have been using it to keep up
with news of my homeland. If you are truly pure of heart and are not
afraid, you may look into the light with no harm."
You hastily turn off the lantern and put it on a nearby shelf.
"What do I do after I look?"
"Just look, the Stone will do the rest."
You follow Meldibar, glancing at the items which hang from the walls
and are strewn about the floor. Bones (human and otherwise), chests
with locks, lanterns, ropes, statues, paintings, and various items of
clothing and armor are everywhere. Was that a crystal ball? You
giggle, but hurry on towards Meldibar's reatreating back.