"Excuse me, but what's the name of this planet?" asks
Obi-wan Kenobi. "You're an Earthling, space cadet." the
stranger sarcastically replies. "O.K., Thank you for your
help!" says Obi-Wan. He checks out the rest of the Denver
International Airport.
Unfortunately, many of the clerks in the other stores are just as
rude. Obi-Wan Kenobi gets so frustrated that he blasts off into
hyperspace again.
The young Obi-wan is in tears. "Why did you turn on me, master?
WHY!!!" Obi shouts to the heavens.
The poor soul is only 15 and has no master. He grabs ahold of the
steering wheel and turns the ship around. Eventually he spots a lovely
blue and brown planet covered in white swirls. He decides to land