"O-Okay... I'll Do whatever you ask. Ju-Just- Please Don't eat
me!" She cries.
You lay out a complicated list of chores for her. Every day, she is to
apply sun tan lotion to your stomach, find food, clean out your mouth,
Tell stories, Give you a bath, and other impossible tasks. Your job is
to lay on your back and frequently snap at Kerrie for fun. One day,
however, Kerrie, fed up with your treatment of her, runs away. Or more
accurately, attempts to. For, unbeknownest to her, you have a far
superior sense of smell, allowing you to easliy track the rat down.
What should the punishment be?
Unable to communicate to Kerrie in human language, you write on the
ground a contract that explains Kerrie is to be your slave and that
she is liable to be eaten, Enflamed, or otherwise harmed if she tries
to escape. Grasping her in one hand, hou write the message. Kerrie,
upon reading the message, gives a frightened gulp and starts sobbing.