"Trying to eat me again? That won't work. She says in a venomous
"No, Kerrie, listen. I was trying to -" You begin.
"Save it!" She snaps. "I'll deal with you later, as
unfortunately, I need your abysmal brain to help me find a way
You and Kerrie search for the backdoor, the acid level increasing
alarmingly. Eventually, you find a trapdoor-like opening and you and
Kerrie crawl in. It is dark and smelly in here, but eventually the
serpent releases you and you stealthily swim to shore,
You dive down at the creature, who immediately submerges its body
underwater. You follow, sending tidal wasves across the formerly calm
lake. Underwater, you see the water snake, hissing at you. Although
you can still breath, your underwater movement is hindered greatly.
The serpent? Not so much. It quickly wraps around you, it's tail wraps
around your neck so that you can hardly breath, let alone move under
the weight of the water. The snake's head appears in front of yours,
opening its mouth wide, delighted in its latest catch. You
instincitely open wide to release flames, but a;l you get is a lungful
of water. The snake opens it's mouth impossibly wide and it surrounds
your head. The snake is working on the rest of your body. Inside the
snake, you see Kerrie, Trying to dodge small gland in the side of it's
stomach that release a deadly acid. She is doing good, but a puddle of
acid is steadily rising on the stomach floor. You use your
chameleon-like tongue to grab Kerrie and swallow her, hoping to escape
from this predicament and then release her later. No such luck.
Instead, your body begins to shrink, and you relize you are human
again. The water snake quickly swallows you. Unable to contain Kerrie
in your current state, you vomit her up.