"Hey! That tickles!" The girl exclaims.
Unable to control herself, the girl rolls onto her back in a fit of
giggles. You use this chance to try out a theory. You suddenly
transform into a giant, carnivorous plant. So you can transform into
plants, too. You wrap your tentacles around the girl and, getting off
of her stomach, slowly reel her in to your waiting mouth. As an escape
attempt, the girl turns back to normal. She slips through the vines
and runs a couple of feet before one of your tentacle-esque vines
burrows up from the ground, grabs her, and flings you into your mouth.
She becomes stuck by a sticky fluid that is also your digestive acids.
To digest her faster, you become a Grizzly bear. You then relieve
yourself of her, return to normal, and giggle.
Suddenly, you have a great idea. You watch as she charges for you,
then at the last second, become a flea. The girl, unable to see you,
starts looking around. You silently hop onto her belly, the only area
not protected by scales, and start scratching.