You scamper towards the giant twig, away from the enraged mother bird
hovering over you. The leaf is somewhat rough and provides excellent
traction. On a normal day, you would never have considered walking
across a log-sized twig suspended hundreds of feet above the ground
without a safety net, but today you are RUNNING across like a
world-champion...the wonders of adrenalen. The twig joins a larger
branch which takes you to the trunk of the tree. The mother bird is
audible, but not visible...the foliage protects you from her probing
eyes and it doesn't look like she would be able to reach you where you
are. You safe for the moment, but what that is no long-term solution.
As you ponder you situation, several obvious possibilities become
aparent: Try to climb down, or try to climb up a ways to the knot-hole
just above your head.