"How did you know that blaster was aimed at you?" Trabb
asked as he settled back in his seat.
"I don't know, It was so sudden, I didn't have time to think. I
just knew that I had to duck and I did."
Trabb pondered that, and thought out loud, "you must have Jedi
Rayna blushed, and said, "My father is a Jedi, but he isn't very
strong in it. I have never had anything like it, and the Jedi council
never thought it was worth it to train me."
"The Jedi council is too small now, and it has too much to think
about, with the new Empire, and the Sith uprising." Trabb said,
and fell into deep thought.
Rayna nodded, and watched as the stars turned into starlines and they
shot into hyperspace.