"I don't care what you have to do, Arabella. I want that teacher
and that quack nurse in prison tonight! They're not going to foil our
plans again!"
You blanch. Of all people, the headmistress is involved in this? But
why? Who's Arabella? And how are they going to try to imprison Mr.
Anderson and Nurse Johnson?
What do you try to find out first?
You're not sure what to do, but then a brainstorm hits. Before you
knew the girls were trying to keep Ellen Brown open, you were prepared
to tell Ms. Fishburn they were involved in the mystery. Maybe you can
still go to her office...but not to give information. Maybe she knows
something, and if you eavesdrop, you will, too. You go to her office,
but when you get there, the door is closed. You hear two low voices
behind the door, but only catch hers.